Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year - Part One

It’s a new year, and year-end fundraising is complete, so what should you do next? 

First, take a deep breath. You just got through the busiest fundraising months of the year! Take a minute to celebrate your team’s wins and accomplishments from the last year. Use prompts like these to help you reflect:

I am most proud of the way I ________. 

My most meaningful moment of the year was when___________. 

I really showed up by ___________. 

Let that mindset carry you right into the new year and what is next.

In January, you should focus on Three Major Things: Stewardship, Housekeeping, and Annual Planning. In Part One, we will tackle Stewardship. 


Traditionally, the beginning of the calendar year is a slower time for fundraising. Given that you spent the last three months consistently asking your donors for gifts, January is the perfect time to focus on thanking them. Here are six intentional ways to show gratitude to your donors in the new year:

  1. Write and mail personal thank you cards.

  2. Make personal thank you calls to your top donors.

  3. Make personal thank you videos to send to your top donors.

  4. Send an Impact Report outlining all that the donors’ support made possible in your mission the year before.

  5. Email an update on the success of the year-end appeals - especially if you were advertising a goal that needed to be reached or a gift match amount.

  6. Itemized gift tax receipts.

As you step into the new year, let gratitude, reflection, and intentionality be your guiding principles. By fostering strong connections with your supporters and thoughtfully planning the year ahead, you’ll set the stage for impactful and meaningful work. Here’s to a successful year of advancing your mission and making a difference!

Don’t miss Part Two to find out the 3 ways you can clean house in the new year.

Campbell Haug

Associate Strategist


The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Visioning and Strategic Planning


Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year - Part Two